27 March 2009
Ugadi habbhada shubashayagalu:)
I wished myself today, did the routine pooja and even blamed God, for taking away my long weekend from me, else would be on roads with hubby to some other destination! MIL had prepared Bisibelebath, I just can't resist it and amma had prepared majjege huli , simply WOW!
I just want to load myself with FOOD and FOOD, once am back! Hopefully am not loaded with work and pressure then, but what has food got to do with it, whats say!
Work wise, am still getting to know "HOW THIS ALL WORKS"!!! I must be the most confused wanderrer here...am going to take time and I convince myself AM FINE!
see, am blogging from office, not done when I have many things to load my brain with. I promise myself am reading the docs after this and make notes and be content, before welcoming the weekend.....
For Lunch today, one of the Indian NRI (!$@#$#) lady is taking us out to try out a Indian place...see, again food! I need to check with her, where I can get good deal on perfumes, am going to load my bag with them!!!! H, watch out, its all mine:)
Saturday, have got a pass from my employer for "ISU Ladies Free Skate for the World Championships" which am looking forward to and am going to have FUN babes!!! Hopefully my lady boss, doesnt get to see the other side of me ;)
Sunday is not planned, but I can't sit in the apt. I plan to get a Kannada DVD, if nothings happening....what an IDEA!
LAUGH n FUN n DANCE n SHOUT!!! -----Love them!
“People rarely succeed unless they have fun in what they are doing.”
26 March 2009
Can I be BAD..I want to be BAD
I carpool with my co-workers, which makes me get ready to work on time and at times, if my time does’nt work with others I take a cab…well….Its not about all this, I want to expel out things which am unable to write today…I got scared the other day, when I opened the door to the apt, while today I left the keys inside and locked the door...Its kinda, the more I wanna be careful and systematic with things ( that’s how it work at my place back home), I just get stuck…zoopp!!!! For few of the, this might look commonJ
Am trying hard to observe the driving here, the lanes, and the rules, to check the map, EXIT’s…but in VAIN!!! Every time there is a turn, I wonder w-H-Y was this? We can’t even ask anyone the way to reach the destination. I always think back, where I can just stop and ask back home, how do I go to malleshwaram???/ SIMPLE! Well, there is a complete lack of public transportation in LA, which is making life difficult for me. In east coast of USA or Singapore, its simple since you have amazing transport system….Nows that another story…..
Back to work, its New boss, new co-workers, new system…..as I always say a CHANGE is a challenge for me, am in the progress of the challenge…I sink and sulk at times, and back to work the next day forgetting what actually aggrieved me the previous day…I think that’s how it should work, else I will never be able to ACCEPT and PROGRESS here….I need to learn some smart ways of handling things, wish I had the power-modus operandi and a map to this…hahahaaa….Can I be RUDE-CRUEL-MEAN…PLSSSS…..
Am going to stop smiling first!!!!!
24 March 2009
Checking on some city tours, which can be safe and cover good places? While few people find it not interesting to go on a tour, that’s okay when you have no frens or family here, what’s say! I even walked up to Andrea to check on the local shopping hubs, with SALE board, since I also need to afford them. I have this urge to shop, which will keep me moving the entire next week; else switched off!!!!
I have booked for the City tour which is called the Grand Los Angeles city tour, will be writing loads on it once am done. Did a stupid thing of not changing the date, so it booked default for today, now I need to call and check if they can change the dates…….
Life is soo different, when you hardly know anyone or anything here. Back home, I know how everything runs, how everything IS and where to go.....etc...Am so challenged here for lot of things!!! By the time, I know this place, will be leaving back to my world :)
I have been learning lot of things about ME, since I know what am going through and what my actions are and get time to review them in silence....am not liking it THAT-VERY-MUCH!
21 March 2009
Well, this was a special complimentary tour for the employees, where you get to see the STAGE and Studios’ which is not allowed for outsiders. Few of the best TV shows, soaps and movies are shot here and worth a look….We had a guide, along with 5 Americans and an Asian who were the new employees like me joined the tour. The guide started off with the history of WARNER BROS. This was ventured by four brothers from Warner family in early 20s. Today its one of the largest production-TV house in the world.
First we went to the places, where they have "SET Ups" for different kind of scenes for a movie..Got to know amazing facts like, they can set up a simple place into a floods affected area, a huge park, volcanic eruptions, beach, any state or city …..anything you name and you have it there – all DONE UP. Its just the creativity which needs to work. I was like…WOW!!!! What’s happening here….Few names I can recall is Jurassic park, Volcano, some action movies…..oh am BAD can’t recall other names…Few years back, most of the movies used to be shot in Studios, as compared to NOW; where they prefer locations.
We were then taken to the ELLEN show – office and the production houses. Offcourse, we were not allowed inside and the best part is my boss is trying to get us tickets to attend the ELLEN show!! Wow, would like to dance with her, so simple and elegant and FUN!
The entire place is split into multiple stages, where you have an embark outside, mentioning the names of TV shows and scenes shot in the particular stage. The kind of equipment and arrangement, manual labor you have is unlimited!
The Prop house, supposedly the biggest and best collection used for the movies is undreamed of. In short LOVELY-ELEGANT and what a collection. Will post some of the photos, which have been used in the HMovies. There are some atypical collections, which is tough to even rent it out by other production houses….For Example, I saw a this huge chandelier, a pair worth 2 million USD, used only twice till date in the movies, since its expensive to rent it out from WB and also to maintain them ..phewww
WB Museum is again a treat for the eyes! You have collection of clothing, props, accessories worn by the legends oh Hollywood…I got to read some original scripts from some old famous HMOvies, which was used by the actors to read before the shoot. I did see a Rolex watch drowned in Blood, used in some movie ( Some oScar winning), when I though of H. Ghosh, he is crazy for this brand….Though am not a Holl-buff, I did like the anthology……..
Hmmm….I just don’t want to stop writing….
First time in my entire life, have attended 7 back to back meetings..Lunch in the meeting and coffee break in the meeting…what a set up is this?? I miss my breaks now..
In b/w we got the new from WB, that Barack Obama is visiting the NBC Studid ( just RIGHT OPP TO OUR OFFICE) this noon. Yes, I was excited and wished could get a Glimpse of him during my stay here but for sure this is a nonsense thought….But the look and feel of excitement was entirely different in everyone which showcased so easily, they all love him and respect him…Does the same happen, when we hear our president visiting our hometown??/ or office next to us!!! Hmmm, leave it out own a personage thought…
For me, If Dr.Abdul Kalam is visiting Bangalore, I would Jump in Excitement, not sure Pratibha Patil would…Again its our choice of how much we know our leaders and what they are doing~ I never like or know about our Advani, but one of my fren MK who follows politics closely loves his speeches..Its like that!!!!
Missing home….Misisng Hubby…Missing food ( have started to cook badly here)….
17 March 2009
Finally in LA!
Let me start with an express– Am missing hubby dear a lot…promising myself never to leave him, but looks like my boss is already planning my next trip L
Well, it’s been ages I travelled this extensive, but I MUST say it’s a never ending journey to LA – Like 24 hrs in air!! I flew in Emirates- lovely and a business class treatment hoards me!
Flight from B’lore to Dubai was sweet fast, since I slept the entire time and found dead-hard to wake up once we landed. I had to push myself to the lounge and pick up coffee to keep myself awake for next 2 hrs. Me traveling ALONE, without sleep was really drumming me…I walked up to an American and joined for the cuppa. He was unpredictably friendly, asking me questions throughout! What amazed me was, he was 67yrs, worked in Iraq like 15 yrs and now in Manila with his Family. He was happy to know that I was flying to his birth place, which he haven’t visited like 20 yrs now, reflective about things back home and wished me luck (much needed)!!! Phew~~~
I did not have much transit time in Dubai (Thank God) and rushed to Connecting flight to catch up on my sleep. Thanks to my stars, traveling in Business class, since we have divine amenities like comfy seats which can alter to flat beds, massage chairs, TV with loads of Bollywood movies, Play list, and satellite phone, wine of your choice, classy hot food and service.
The journey was stretched, was struggling to sleep and missing home. I don’t think, am a person who loves this traveling – Exploring – work and stay alone kinds, leaving H something I realized. I will definitely think twice, next time am on a project!
Landed LA @ 2:00PM local time and Thanks to my colleague S, who went out of his way to help me, else I would be like – WHERE AM I???? WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO DO OR GO……..hehehe, Yes, am this confused girl who needs time to digest anything NEW-Anything revolutionize! Went straight to JAI-BHARATH a Gujju restaurant and had a mini thali, most of the serving dishes were sweet and since only half my mind was working never realized what I ate. My mind badly wanted to CRASH for next 24 hrs shouting am Jet-lagged at same time contradicting since am going to be all alone once I reach the apartment. This is a challenge for me to face and accept till the time am here.
HEY, I must mention, a foreign land no more amaze me! While driving back from Arthesia (that’s where we had our Lunch), to Burbank, I could see the “HOLLYWOOD” sign on the hill top, worth a sight! Got a sight of Universal studios, where I will have a tour backer by WB on Tuesday, not to forget to shop and have pictures taken....
Apartment is good….Not to enlighten details, since I live alone and do not like it that way. Funny part is I slept for 3 hrs and was awake by 3:00AM this morning. Watched TV until 4, prepared tea and took bath. I was ready by 6:00AM, unable to understand WHY I am not able to sleeeeepppp!! Well, its my first day at work here and last thing I want is doze off in a meet.
@ Work, it was well organized which is like a good learning for me. Its so important to give a friendly-warm welcome to new joiners, it makes a difference. I was as usual taken aback to my team and the new joiners! Morning was just setting up my system and configuration and meeting loads of WB employees. Lunch at a Mexican restaurant, found a veggie dish ‘CHILE RELLENO’. In my own words, its half cooked rice beaten with little tomato, large chilli covered with cheese (yo, what a combo) and baked beans without a trace of salt-chilli! Had three back to back meeting in the noon, struggled to keep myself awake since its like mid-night to ME. I even tried the plain HOT WATER to keep my senses ‘ON’ and my Lady Chief was making fun of my affirm!
Have an assignment to submit this Friday and discuss on Travel plans….more to flow about my assignment-travel-shopping-pictures-WB….for the 100th time, I need to S-L-E-E-P…..
14 March 2009
Travel Phobia
I will be writing more, since this is the best way to let out my feelings and also how my 6 weeks will pass...take care all of you and wish me good luck!
Love Bangalore...Love home...Love H
11 March 2009
Last day @ InFy ( PHOTOS)
All GiRlIeS .....ooooooo sooper fun....Bonding pose during the photo session ;)Yes, Women do get along well ( with pinch of sarcasmmmm)
The BeSt sNaP~ Fun during work!!! Gana always speaks the most...hmmm let me put it this way, 90% of my team talk a lot with voice directly propertional to the length of talk or laughs.....Never ending, no restricted though flow, cheers!!!!
Vits, MK , Prads & ba...THANKS!!!!!
Finally, THE TEAM!!!! Isnt it a FaMiLy...Muuaaahhh!!!!!
10 March 2009
Missing amma
Last 6 yrs in my work-life; there were days, when I had to think twice to check with my boss if I can get leave for DIWALI, Ganesha Habba, Ugadi...uff Had to convince my folks at home, am working on festivals. Its understood, since my work profile demands me to work on those days too:) Today, Without even expecting one, I was told its off~~~~~so am LaZy WATCHING SOME CRAP IN TV but am not liking it:( am Cribbing today...selfish me, asked H to take half day leave but in vain....
I have butterflies in my stomach, reason being my travel...Its going to be a 22 hrs travel in flight - all alone. I have started reading travelling books, woman travellers etc..just to ensure this is more of Fun, than rant! as days are looming, my excitment level is coming down worrying me about the schedule ahead resulting me in calling V, swetu and H all the time. Thanks to Gana, taking my 4 wishes to Lord Tirupati. Hopefully they all work for me.
ANyways; I have something important running in my mind from last 2 days, which has also been my DrEaM from ages...Its not going to be smooth, so have taken time from myself to think serenely and decide on my next rung. Its troubling me more & more, need "PEACE".
Thinking of my parents at this point of time, want to hug them and say THANKS for being there. I miss you both a lot....wish at times, I get back to my school days routine...WISH...WISH...WISH..
Mom I’m sorry for all of the tough times I put you through
There are many things that I did to you that I shouldn't have
But I think it’s about time that I say I LOVE YOU
Mom this is coming from the heart
And that’s the only way to start
Since I was a little girl
My whole life went into a whirl
I’m sorry for all of the lies
And for all the times I made you cry
I’m sorry for all of the fights I started with you
Mom just remember I LOVE YOU
All of the things that I have been going through
Makes me realize what you say is true
Mom I just want to tell you
That I’m sorry for all the hell I put you through
And I want you to remember that........ I LOVE YOU!!!!!!
06 March 2009
PiCtUrEs - MoMeNtS

It has'nt Rained from a long time now.....From last one week, when I wake up its the first thought that crosses my mind, "It's going to rain today". The first shower or drizzle, am going to be out and enjoying - Experiencing the EcStATiC mood :)
Love mixed with Work@$@
I have an issue here.I do not want to be TURNED OFF by 2 of them who have been Bl**** SELFISH enough to take people in team for granted and enjoy their rides of Love. Sick, when people can get immature enough to mix their feelings with Professional life and end up having a jolly ride, while others in TEAM have been burning their necks out from an year, to get this team to this state of performance. The least contributers ( Yes, as per data and justification) are these 2 souls, but none to question them nor look at the Inside story cooking. How is it- to gave a under performer a good rating and sending for upcoming progressions?? Is it the Gender or the looks which is performing here???
Such injustice happen and team will have none to go to and ask WHY? Data has been manipulated and questions unturned, just for the sake of L-O-V-E ( how false can it get).
Am sure this guy will have a empty dabba in his hand "one fine day", and when he turns back will find no one for a shoulder!
Anyways, I do not wish to see the shameless people for the Luncheon nor there will be any invite..such things aches, since you would have put in so much effort to make a team, make a leader, run the show.
Am travelling to California next weekend and this gives me enough time to wind up from such wounds and carry fresh set of feeling & hopes and looking forward for 6 weeks of unlimited work. My new boss is a workoholic and here am, changing my status to the same for few weeks!!! Will be writing in everyday, so I can always look back and check, How did I do with my initial days of new job :)))
Wish me the best~~Shru
05 March 2009
One of the guys, passed a joke on some girl passing by and again comes the loud Laugh.
UFF!!!!! When I was almost done with the food, my thought was "HOW SILLY – Irrelevant and Stupid" and in no seconds was reminded of the days, when I used to sit in groups and have Lunch with my few of my team members at infy, where the topics used to be much sillier than the ones, I heard from this group, where the laughters were worse and louder than the one by this group. Just that today I do not work for a TEAM and thus, forgot what the FUN is all like! I felt that this group, though sounded silly and childish to me, were having much better time and de-stressing than I was today.....
YES, am missing my group of people, whom I always used to hang around enjoying the little pleasures; 'with never ending - meaningless - GOMAD' topics and go through unlimited FUn! I was sitting idle for few minutes, nostalgic.
Am sure, will go through this phase for sometime until I get used to the new environment. Its no more Deciding dress code on Fridays, No more team meetings with fun, No more dancing together during low work, No more shouting together when someone is blushing, No more LEARNINGS, which is so related to the word TEAM!
I renounce, looking at the present situation, where am able to swim deep in Domain and work on the Documentation/assignments and ascertain new ideas, learning’s and EXPERIENCE! Am game for it and H is supporting me to go through this phase :)
It’s all about ACCEPTANCE, so am back to work forgetting the Lunch episode. Let me pick up a hot cup of tea and continue with my assignment……
"People might not get all they work for in this world, but they must certainly work for all they get." --Frederick Douglass
03 March 2009
UnKnOwN MiSeRiEs :(
There is a limit to being emotional or sensitive or feeling like a LONER in life, its the "finding the reason & acting upon the solution" which has become a challenge for me.....
I just sulk endlessly, showing up a normal face - I ACT! I need to free myself from my own weaven miseries!!
Nothing is worth more than this day
In between our discussion; which varied from work-recession-marriage-etc..., got a call from H. I told H will give him a call back, since am talking to my "C-O-U-S-I-N"! Now, the clarification is 'Chitti' ( mY COUSIN) is not my cousin legitimately; but my U-N-C-L-E!!!!
so, I have an Uncle who is just 4 to 5 yrs older to me and my dad, who is turning 60 this yr has a first cousin who is half his age!!!!
I also get to know, my great grand mother, who is Chitti's grand mother was pregnant ( yrs back); at the same time her Daughter was too ( Goodness!!!!), can we beat this?
Do we get to hear or see such sight now? hahhaa, for the rest of my journey to work today, I had my imagination running on the family tree and how the age diffference rockd!!
while am writing this in a pleasurable mood , hear the news on terrorist attack on Srilankan Cricket team, no more in a mood to continue. Its a SICK feeling deep inside the stomach to hear deaths - terrorism - innocent ppl killed - beaten ....scared!! Fear is a disease that eats away at logic and makes man inhuman.
"Nothing is worth more than this day"
Signing off in a sulking mood~~~
02 March 2009

I was standing next to him, unable to endure the continuous honking (even in a traffic jam and signals, where u have no choice) and very politely asked him not to honk at times, when it’s not required. He obviously and as expected, told me its not like sitting in big offices in AC and have a hot cuppa delivered to your desk, its driving in Bangalore roads & only drivers know what a JOB it is and having to do multiple trips in never ending jams…..Blah..Blah…
Monday blues are back ( No, am not cribbing about my job) and today one of my agenda is to stuff my desk with goodies!!! Yipppeee am going to love this and then continue with my reading on service levels, minutes of meet, transition plans….etc..etc…Happy MonDAY TO all!!!!
“We live in a wonderful world that is full of beauty, charm and adventure. There is no end to the adventures we can have if only we seek them with our eyes open.” - Jawaharial Nehru
01 March 2009
“Like many women my age, I am xxyrs old” - Age is strictly a case of mind over matter. If you don’t mind, it doesn’t matter!
Well, It doesn’t matter to “ME” and had an unlimited BLAST Yesterday. I always believe in “Expect the Unexpected” (or) “Never PLAN your best days; go with the flow” ……
I woke up early, only to find that H standing in front of me; with his sleepy eyes (he’s hardly seen the crack of dawn) ….he sang a long and lovely Birthday song; which was his own creation and on the spot lyrics @#$@$# AM TOUCHED! This is the beginning…..
We made our usual trip to temple and asking my Fav god to keep me Happy all this year , since I have taken up two major challenges in recent times 1) Getting married 2) changing my employer during this time!!!! Is’nt it a “DARE”!!!!!
MIL had prepared hot-spicy-YUM-finger licking Masala dosa!!!! Had 2 of them, wishing had more appetite since I love treating my tummy with yummies. Got dressed and was waiting for H to join me, when I see a small glitzy box on the dining table. I see three of them standing in front of me, asking me to open that…owoowwwwwww ITS FOR ME!!!! Pair of lovely diamond studs – Woman loves them!!!!! Went Shopping at Shopper’s stop (goodness, it’s been ages I visited my Fav place). I wanted to grab everything my eyes fell on, but had to stop myself from it….Picked up two kurtis ( ONLYL)
Was touched, when the fellows in SS, wished me for my day; they got to know from my citizen card, gifted me a DVD. AM I LUCKY? Am a Piscean, get excited even with little things in life!
Got back home, for a simple nice lunch. Now, H religiously takes a nap post Lunch on weekends. Today, he was trying hard to be awake and talk things which made no much sense to me, only to know he had other plans. We went to coffee day, since he wanted to have Irish coffee ( FISHY)…we went to CD, only to be surprised by Vini’s visit!!! WOW, my day is flowing terribly – Lovely.
Three of us had good time talking - hogging the Blueberry muffins and choc doughnuts with hot cuppa! Gifts flowed from her; got a nice big handbag and lovely footwear …ahhh, love to be treated like this. Thanks Vins, for coming, it was rocking! H kept talking about dating you all the way, which is musty ~
H calls me “BITTI RANI” now….hahahaaaa (Cunning smile)
My parents and swetu visited us in the evening, off course with a gift cheque. It was a nice get - together and later to realize my day has almost come to an end…
This birthday, I received maximum calls from Frens and Family and was more excited like a twelve yr old, the entire day! My DIL even joked, will get a big cake and invite our flat mates for the party (Imagine all 50+yrs folks, standing around me and singing a birthday song and me cutting the cake). But – I must admit it was very sweet of him to think of making me feel special! Off course, I did not cut the cake, but replaced by Rasgullas – YUM!
A birthday:—and now a day that rose
With much of hope, with meaning rife—
A thoughtful day from dawn to close:
The middle day of human life.
H sang the end of day B'day song~~~