28 January 2010


The TITLE of the post; reflects my current state of mind.......Need to flush those unwanted things from mind...

Watched "27 Dresses" in the morning, a very light - lovely movie, the flow .....

Jane never says "NO" to her friends, so selfless and that made me sit up and watch the movie....
This lady is secretly in love with her boss, who in turn dates Jane's sister and decides to marry her and worse is Jane is asked to plan the wedding......
Story unfolds with some twists, realization of "always-a-bridesmaid" lifestyle and how she overcomes to stop pleasing others and say No and think about her happiness!!!!!

In the midst, its those lovely wedding clothes which keeps it more interesting....

Katherine Heigl is beautiful.....

Before I switch off....something I read, which will be here on record for me....

"You cannot control what happens to you, but you can control your attitude toward what happens to you, and in that, you will be mastering change rather than allowing it to master you"

Back to RAINMAKER....


Swaram said...

Oh I loveeee this movie too! She is sooo beautiful alva :)

Lovely quote there .. I wanna hv it on record too :)

Hugs :)

Mohan said...

Even I have seen that movie.. good one. Enjoy maadi.

Renu said...

Thanks for sharing it, It was coming on TV yesterday i think, but I didnt know anything about it, now whenevr I get a chance I will see this.

and that quote is wonderful and true also..Tough times always measure our strength..so chin up and smile thru them..they too shall pass.

Neha said...

I have not seen this movie..but after reading your review, I think i should watch it...need a light movie :)

अभिषेक पुणेकर said...

I liked the movie too, except the fact that she spoils the wedding of her sister. I thought she should have kept mum.

Soli said...

Like this one. :)

Passionate Goof said...

I quite liked the movie myself, except that she is walked over a bit tooooooooo much. And the saying very true, we are what we make of ourselves! Love n Hugs, stay strong.

Veena said...

Hey Shruthi,

Very nice.I accidentally bumped into this. Good Job.


Manjunath said...

hmmmmm let me see next time i come across this on TV.

Arunima said...

profound quote!

Manjunath said...

u there......... hellooooooooo

Zabi said...

Movie is too girly, My sister made me watch all of it though. Nice movie BTW if i don't go by my manly instincts.