Exactly 7 yrs back, 15th July; in the yr 2002 I stepped into the beautiful planet called “work life”/ Corporate world…During my final yr Graduation, in 2002; I got to attend Interview with Infosys BPO; through my old school friend; the selection astray a shocker to me; with much excitement, equally petrified went ahead to accept the offer and entered into this then unknown course.
Initial yrs were hard-hitting to recognize how “Things worked” here. The whole lot; from a Boss, to team, to clients - everything about the “corporate world” was a new –Unexplored hostilities to me. To deal with them every inch was a huge dispute. But every issue, every “change”, every rejection, every acceptance, every client, work piece, every award, be it boss and friends have made me stride and make my way; for 6.5 yrs and what a transformation it has bought into me. To look back and think is a beautiful melancholy!
Am so very nostalgic about the Initial days in Cisco ( first client), which I thrash about the most. I used to be very blocked to long working hours, lacked self-reliance, took things personal, and never looked at managers as Humans…many supplementary things to it….. With time; slowly realized my mistakes or call it the modus operandi to survive…hence its close to my heart; experience since It gave way to re-create things in my formative years, which was into Investment banking.
During my rough patch, I made great frens, whom I still catch up, talk endlessly and cherish the memories….Those few ( Vini, Bharu, Niri, Prasanna, Deepa, anand, Jaya and few more who were never frens, but I learnt just by watching them) will always be prized…A exceptional THANKS goes to them for their lovely; unconditional friendship along with bringing a positive change in me!!!!
It was yet another exquisite experience, as I walked out of Cisco to the new world - Mellon and UBS bank. I can go on and on about the trauma I have gone through to the never ending child like fun to the leadership know-how to the progressions to just learning about banking….I have had some great travel experience during last 4 yrs, peek to different world, culture, food, learning, professionalism, etiquette and of all refining me, make feel a lot closer to the corporate world.
The last team I worked ( before I quite Infy) has been more of baby like to me and I still miss the world “we team” created. If there is something I wish to “experience the past”, it would indisputably be my last worked team (PD for my memories). It’s simply closer to my heart, a bonding more than a workplace. This experience is what I call a second home. It was a complete MASALA team. My special THANKS to those guys over there!!!! You rock!!!!
Last 6 months with WB has been quite different, yet an experience am living…. I need lot of good wishes to take the journey forward…..
Am still thirsty for good work, recognition and still learning..
Now the NEXT part of the pack is about my Hubby; then my boy friend (how weird it sounds) for 6 yrs. He was always there guiding me, pass judgment on and most importantly bringing in those little change in the right time, tuning my attitude….I watched him being so SELFLESS, working towards me more than anything. The beauty of having someone next to you always, so unconditional, so loving, so caring no matter how crappy you can get is the most beautiful thing.
So in short, without him next to me would have been just IMPOSSIBLE! Wish I could write a poem, but in vainL
So my next special THANKS goes to My chwweetttt, cuuteee, ever charming, very handsome, dimpled sweetheart!
Again to the most imp piece– My parents and sis.
Like everyone, I can go on and on but will never be able to do Justice….
My very special Thanks to amma and appa for being there ( I recall the difficulties) and supporting me….Thanks for not questioning me, whenever I had to work late nights, do night shifts, go out on team outings and spoke about guys AND taking all the pain I gave about my marriage; with a smile! Hugsss and lemme tell that both of you r my BeStEsT frens….Thanks again for not treating me different cos I was a girl, still moving ahead working my way (I knew how relatives speak) and u guys RoCk!!! No matter WHAT, dad has always been proud of me.
I remember….
Ø The day I received my offer letter, dad was travelling to Bhopal on work. He just didn’t want to leave that day, since he wanted to make me feel special about the moment. Since he could not cancel his trip, we both made it together till the train station. He spoke to me all through the way…He was happy for me…There was something…..I liked it…
Ø We bought our first sofa set, from my second salary. We four jumped at it, since it was a Dream then to have one at home. We managed with 4 cane chairs until 2003 at home.
Ø My first abroad travel, bought tears to my parents, swe and H. It was a big THING for us then! Though I was dead scared to be going away, I managed to smile. All it mattered to me was, they were happy as I was hiding my fear.
Before the Nostalgia kills me…..lemme just sit back, take a deep breath and smileJ
Goodness, Maybe I will ask my kid (when I have one and in future) to read this ;)