20 May 2009

work-travel-home-crazy timingssss....My life

I have exactly 34 mins left for my one on one with my boss ( 10:30PM) and before I DoZzzzzzE OFF, thought shall write!
I always dreamt of 9-5 job, no tension, no pressure, no tough boss, not much work and just get back home cooly and do my fav things like dishes, washing clothes, sweeping the floor and cutting vegetables!!! But fate has other plans for me....
I manage to work 9-5, but all the actions -calls -decision making takes place either before 9 (or) post 7 in the evening which ends up me in reality working odd hours! oossshhhh goes my plans to do homework( household stuff)..CrAzYyY.....

Now that am done with my one on one call, no issues, more travel and planning as agenda am off to bed...I love working....I don't like travelling leaving this place and H.....back to work tomorrow, with my crazy thoughts-unplanned timings-unplanned disasters with work life....phew!

Before I wind up for the day, GOOD NEWSSS....My childlike, bubbly, innocent, best fren like, beautiful sister is getting married this sep......yippeeeeee.....all my thoughts are SHOPPINGGG and more shopping and moreeee...am soo happy for her, scared at the same time since she is leaving her secured-love nest and going to different place...will miss you darling but, am Happy.....am going to Go craxy on the D-Day, mind you...
"It was nice growing up with someone like you - someone to lean on, someone to count on... someone to tell on! "

More....It's my parent's 32nd marriage anniversary today, the most loving couple I have met. Yup, they do fight and love that too...With time, I have seen them transform from couples to being best of frens in love and just adore the way they spend time having conversations from earth to sky...Muuaaahh

More...Its 9 months am MArRiEd...I feel am in love with my hubby every day, in a new way..Loving this phase and am demanding a huge gift from him for our 1yr anniversary and given him enough time to save and spend;)



Renu said...

wow:) congrats! marriages are the most happy occasions in family:)

Mohan said...

What a co-incidence! My parents 31st wedding anniversary was on 19th May.

Nice to know about your sisters wedding and my wishes to her.

Gana said...

Shru first of all nin parents ge nandu congrats helu.Shru shwetha getting married really a very good news. I am so happy for her as well as for all of u.Take care madu.Will give u a call very shortly :)

Unknown said...

Thanks shru for ur lovely words... U r everything to me.. best sister in the world and my best best frend...