It’s a very special day for me and hubby, APRIL 05TH …
It’s a nostalgic date, when few years back with lot of contemplation and the age playing the main role, we decided to join hands in this relationship. Post that, there’s no looking back and one of the best things to happen in my life. We have gone through many Up’s and Down’s like other couple, only making us realise how beautiful this relationship is all about and the affiliation just gets stronger. We are total freaky opposites, which take it to new elevation.
We did celebrate for few years, but not been able to from past 2-3 cos of our schedule. No matter what comes, we still wish each other and remember the day I parked my scooty in one corner to meet hubby for ice-cream, only to discuss at length on the Pro’s and Con’s of this relationship. TODAY, am happy that we did THINK before even committing since falling in LOVE is different from combating it out and bonding into a marriage which is successful!
We thought of Families, Culture, financial stability, our interests and Needs to all possible one’s to make this happen. It was a big deal then, in our early 20’s to be talking on things which would take years to mature! We planned a lot and changed few things which kept us crazy about each other; even at times when I had to see other Grooms due to helplessness. At one point of time, we had lost all HOPES inspite of taking it to a level of practically discussing with parents but somehow didn’t seem to work due to social reasons (or) call it silly reasons.
Am happy today that we will soon be planning our 3rd year anniversary this AUG, wondering a MIRACLE that saved us one fine day , which made events turn and take this relation forward as we said ‘I DO’!
CHEERS to the day I saw my Hubby first!
CHEERS to the day – He spent on those chocolates
CHEERS to the day – He made me CRY and Laugh like Crazy
CHEERS to the day – he made me sit on his car the first time
CHEERS to the day – we shopped together with our li’ll pocket money
CHEERS to the day – He made me jealous
CHEERS to the day – He looked sooo cute!
CHEERS to the day – We shared the cappuccino
CHEERS to the day – I attended my first Interview with him
CHEERS to the day – I hit him, since it was another guy who was visiting me for marriage
CHEERS to the day – I messaged and MIRACLE happened
CHEERS to the day – We got Engaged
CHEERS to the day – We cried together!
CHEERS to the day – We said I DO!
CHEERS for our togetherness