Its been a mix of this and that for last few months, revolving my routine , a bit of stepping out for fresh air with friends, a bit of relishing some good food outside, a bit of meeting with H's cousins, a bit of catching with my sister ranting about the kids, a bit of daily dose of coffee with the gang......and At end of day wonder where is all this leading to? Am I happy with just this?
Am i ready for something more, to broaden the horizon and explore the unknown territory which has been an alien to me for past few years. Its the same question ticking my mind, whether I have jumped into a comfort zone which in reality just want to come out of it....Its just my mind fighting that I need to pull myself out of this and get going.....Its my son who is always my reason to convince that I can enjoy all this, yet seeing a working mother run around; ticks my gulit level higher....
So what is right? When is it the right time?
Can I go on like this? Is this all the Big 2 M's are about???? Marriage and Motherhood?
Where are my ambition to Travel, To earn and To find myself getting into adventurous zone every other day?
Hope to find all this soon....